Senza categoria

You are currently browsing the archive for the Senza categoria category.


 Previews of writings, interviews, speeches, since 1990 to nowadays. 
Texts mostly in italian and
available in their full-lenght pdf version: contact mp at 

 Anteprime e abstract di scritti, interviste, seminari dal 1990. 
La maggior parte dei testi è in italiano.
I testi sono disponibili integralmente e in formato pdf scrivendo a 


2023 – 2020  








2019  – 2010







2009  – 2000










1999 – 1990













ZONE logo

Z O N E: an idea and an ensemble in continuous evolution that revolves around my music. I play LiveElectronics or MIDIElectricGuitar whose fingerboard, as a virtual ensemble, is crossed by the inhabitants of ZONE. These artists are among todays protagonists of contemporary thought. Skattered all over the globe, they flow through the ZONE: on stage we always are more people than audience can see. mp

  • Geoffrey Morris
  • Carin Levine & Jürgen Ruck
  • Annig Raimondi
  • DuoRecordronik
  • Bernardo Lanzetti
  • Maurizio BenOmar
  • Birgit Nolte
  • Elena Callegari
  • ElisionEnsemble
  • ENDE
  • Elena Càsoli
  • Emanuele Forni
  • Erik Bosgraaf
  • Faberlucis
  • Kiyonori Sokabe
  • Ivo Nilsson & Jörgen Pettersson
  • Manuel Zurria
  • Marcello Tarabbia
  • Marco Bortoli & Walter Goy
  • Maria Ronchini & Riccardo Balbinutti
  • mp & AchilleCompagnoni, WPrati, MBortoli, UJoss
  • mp & Ricarrdo Magherini Bernardo Lanzetti
  • mp & Salvatore Zito Max Bertolai
  • StockholmSaxophoneQuartet
  • mp & Timothy O'Dwyer
  • PACTAdeiTeatri
  • mp & Vladi Leoni
  • Pili Stanislas
  • wowslider
  • Thor-Vilhjalmsson
jquery slideshow by v7.3m



All Videos

Instrumental   –   Theatre

FOLIA with TipToeCompany   –   Aristofane in Blue   –   Theatre of Dawn

CasualitàUrbane/Flash&Bip   –   LUNAGRAMMI (Vln, Guit, Pf)

pactaSOUNDzone (or pactaSOUNDzone on fBook)


zone +
pacta =

where the music is the leading actor on stage
See pactaSOUNDzone on FBook & YouTube

excerpts from mp’s music for theatre – also at: Theatre & Video Playlist

 ARISTOFANE IN BLUE – audio excerpt 01 & 02:


Le Cinque Morti di Pitagora LE CINQUE MORTI DI PITAGORA 
for R.Mini, “L’irrazionale leggerezza dei numeri”_Danza Dei Cavalli:

 NON BREAKING SPACE – for L. Pirandello “Uno nessuno centomila” 

for L. Pirandello, “L’amica delle mogli”_Valzer della Gomma:

CHIODI_Caryl Churchill CHIODI – for C. Churchill, “Sette Bambine Ebree”:

Paradise-Lost_Milton LUOGHI e QUADRI – for J. Milton, “Paradise Lost”:

SuiteDellaTorre_Moravia SUITE DELLA TORRE
for A. Moravia,”Beatrice CenciLasciatemi:


for Le due Regine – Maria Stuarda by F. Schiller, A. Oliva, P. Bignamini 

scores & audiovideo


Scores: see Scores&Audiovideo‘s menu, listed as 1instrument2instruments and so on


For each score are available a preview and links to Audio or AV recording


You can purchase a score and get it as pdf document online


Orders of published scores will be forwarded to the Publishing House