
You are currently browsing the archive for the teaching category.


 Previews of writings, interviews, speeches, since 1990 to nowadays. 
Texts mostly in italian and
available in their full-lenght pdf version: contact mp at 

 Anteprime e abstract di scritti, interviste, seminari dal 1990. 
La maggior parte dei testi è in italiano.
I testi sono disponibili integralmente e in formato pdf scrivendo a 


2023 – 2020  








2019  – 2010







2009  – 2000










1999 – 1990














BOcurrently teaching at
Conservatorio G. B. Martini, Bologna (I)
since 2004

I N V E N T I O N   &   I N T E R P R E T A T I O N 

in 2010 I established the course
Invention&Interpretation – Operational Analysis
Some titles of done works:
– L. Sclavis-F. Biancoli: Le long du temps
– A. Schönberg-F. Gennai: Schön(berg) Mond Blues, Voice, Ensemble
– D. Binney-E.Simon-Enrico Landi: Simplicity, Guitar
– E. Satie-F. Pierantoni: Gnossienne, Trbn, Guitar, Cello, Pf
– N. Paganini-N. Todesco: Ghiribizzi, Guitar
– I. Giuliani: Voices, five Voices & Beatboxing
– G. Gershwin-F. Nasone: FoggyDay, Voice, Electr.
– J. Kosma-G. Pedretti: SpringLeaves, El.Bass
– C. Corea-E. Pelliconi: Enrico’s Habanera, Pf
– J. S. Bach-Enrico Landi: Invenzione IV, Guitar
– R. Towner-E. Mini: Deep, Voice, Pf
– J. S. Bach-A. Oliva: Allemanda, Flute, Perc.
– L. Morrey-E. Ronzani: Simmetrie, Pf
– M. Stern-G. Sandrini: AfterYou, ElGuit. 
– K. Dohram-M. Scucchia: BlueBossa, Pf
– M. Marmo: 
Egitto and Cadenza, Violin and Orch.
– G.F. Haendel-P. Marchini: 
L’Orlando ubriaco, Voice, Cello
– B. Marino: Angelarè, Voice, El.Guit, Accord., Violin, Cello
– M. Davis-F. Girotti: SketchesCadenza, Trpt, Pf
– D. Grohl-E. Balelli: Wheels, Voice, Fl., Vn, TSax, Pf
– R. Schumann-M.C. Cassanelli: Brano, Voices, Violin, Guit, TSax, Pf
– Biancoli-Gennai-Marangon: Alexandros Dream, Voices and Trbn.
– S. Grande: Sonar, Conduction, Ensemble
– C- Monteverdi-E. Bonazzi: Regina, Voice & Electr
– F. Martin-M. Craca: Reazioni, Flute and Pf


R E S E A R C H  –  C S R  centro studi e ricerche 

CSR_logoIn 2014 I was appointed to found a Music Research structure at Bologna’s Conservatory: CSR-CentroStudi e Ricerche.
 The activity started on 2015 hosting the meeting ONNIVERSO, with RAMI, italian association for artistic and musical research.
 Then we realized “CAMINAR“, dedicated to the music and the life of Luigi Nono, with guests as Enzo Porta, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Maddalena Novati and Gianni Di Capua. The concerts were part of “Resistenza Illuminata”, a wide series of concerts organized by the municipality of Bologna and its Teatro Comunale as an hommage to Luigi Nono.
 Meanwhile a proper space has been dedicated to CSR at the Conservatorio G. B. Martini, Bologna. The space has been equipped with some basic furnitures and electronic devices as mixer, nearfield loudspeakers, audio interface, two desktop computers iMac 27″, storage devices and softwares.
In 2016 CSR collaborated with AngelicaFestival and INCROCIlab, to realize Conduction e Chimiche Acustiche, as a co-production with Conservatorio G. B. Martini and “HappyBirthdayMrReich“.
On 2017 and 2018 CSR continue the work with INCROCIlab for the project “-TN+, Incroci laboratorio TecNologico” and Centro di Ricerca Musicale San Leonardo in Bologna, working with Alvin Curran for his new  composition “A BANDA LARGA” at AngelicaFestival 2018.




I N C R O C I   L A B

INCROCI, “crossing”, is a laboratory I hold with colleague and Guitarist Walter Zanetti.
After a performance of IncrocioScarlatto, we started facing each year a new topic about instrumental practices as Improvvisation, Conduction, DomenicoScarlatti, Harpsichord music and Flamenco, ElectricGuitar and electroacustic repertoire, and the work is currently spreading and gathering around a wide range of instruments.
 2015: we went through the repertoire for any instrument and electronics, also guesting a seminar and concert by/with StudioPanAroma and BIMESP, BienalInternacional de Saõ Paulo.
 2016: INCROCIlab collaborated with CSR and AngelicaFestival, to realize Conduction e Chimiche Acustiche, as a co-production with Conservatorio G. B. Martini and “HappyBirthdayMrReich“.
 2017: starting of the second cycle 2017-2020 named
-TN+, Incroci lab TecNologico, again with AngelicA Festival performing the new Alvin Curran’s composition “A BANDA LARGA“, Bologna 2018,  and a further concert on dec.2018 at Centro di Ricerca Musicale S. Leonardo, Bologna.
Guests of INCROCI:
Silvia Rambaldi, Harpsichord
Andreina Di Girolamo, Harpsichord
Alberto Rodriguez, Flamenco Guitar
Rita Marchesini, Flamenco Dancing
Francesco Leprino, film director
DuoScarlatti, Guitars D. Sardone, N. Pignatiello
Raffaele DeLuca, musicologist
Arturo Tallini, Guitar
Rhys Chatam, Composer
Pierpaolo Scattolin, Choir director, Composer
Matteo Pennese, Composer, Trumpet, Electronics
Flo Menezes, Composer
Daniel Murrray, Guitar, Composer
Marcus Siqueira
, Composer
Giorgio Magnanensi, composer
Fred Frith, Guitar, composer
Alvin Curran, composer
Antonio Mastrogiacomo, composer








A P P L I E D   M U S I C  

Class on music applied in theatre: DI scena IN scena 
Class on Visual semiotics

AppliedMusicSanesiVerona2015Verona – “SENZA DATA” 
Every year the city of Verona celebrates the memory of Roberto 
Sanesi, poet and author of well-known translations from English poetry and literature. In 2015 the celebration will take place on May 7th, at Sala Farinati, focused on a series of audiovideo storyboards -composed by musicians in one of my classes of department of Applied Music– conceived as suggestions for potential theatrical events, based on a poetry (Senza Data) and painting by R.Sanesi. 








T E A C H E R   T R A I N I N G   d e p a r t m e n t

Basic TriennTeacherTrainingium for Teacher Training. Biennium for Musical instrument Teacher Training; the course developes the matter of musical instruments teaching, with methodological studies, instrumental, pedagogical and psychological, composition, choir and direction, history and finally a third year of intensive training required to get a teaching degree.
Next: Music-Therapy Triennium and Multimedia Triennium.
Laptip_logoLAPTIP, laboratory of Invention and music production for training teachers, a sort of creative updating for teachers already working in primary and secondary school.



T h e s i s   t U T O R I N G  

some titles:
Il Piano Sereno, by P. Scanabissi, Piano
The Art of Environing, by T. Fiore, Guitar
Serghej Prokofiev e il Violoncello, by S. Russo, Cello
Frankenstein You!, by M. Motola, Voice
BlackOut, by N. Todesco, Guitar-ElectricGuitar
Banda Larga, by A. Condina, Trumpet
La Voce del Corno, by G. Montanari, French Horn
Alice in Mongolfiera, by O. Alessia, Fl
Mike Stern, by G. Sandrini, JazzDep
Navigazione a vista, by F. Termini, Guitar
Un incessante rispecchiarsi del cosmo (da Gurdjieff a Stockhausen), by Y. Fabbri, Teach.TrainingDep.
Sound Experience, by G. Casmirro, Guitar
Geremia – una tragedia degenerata, by M. Ascari, AppliedMusicDep.
Il solo come un racconto, by Matteo Crotti, JazzDep.
Game Triggered, (Musica adattiva nei videogames) by Irene Cavazzoni Pederzini
Vorrai sentirlo, (Il ruolo della musica epica nei trailer) by Germain Torrealba


M A S T E R C L A S S E S   a n d   L E C T U R E S 

some titles:
1993, Venezia-Fondazione Levi: Comporre un’acustica 
1998, TohoGakkuen University-Tokyo: ZONE 
1998, TokyoMusicCollege: ZONE
1998, IrinoFoundation-Tokyo: Masterclass for Composers
2002, MilanoPolitecnico delle Arti: Maki Ishii, una via al Giappone, una via all’Occidente 
2002: Palermo Conservatorio: ZONE-suono cercato, scritto, ascoltato, Interpretazione o Invenzione? – Lecture and Masterclass for composers
2003, Padova University-Centro d’Arte degli Studenti: In stile, in mente – OverdubOverdoubt 
2005, Cremona-Facoltà di Musicologia: Inventare e insegnare utopie 
2006, Växjö University, Sweden: ZONE and Masterclass
2007, Melbourne University, Australia: Masterclass ZONE and SevenStudies for Guitar 
2009, Reykiavik ArtsAcademy, Iceland: JoKyoShu, isole, segni e l’illusione di controllare il tempo
2013, IrinoFoundation-Tokyo: Masterclass for Composers
2014, Würzburg, Lecture, Festival und Intensivkurs für Neue Kammermusik
2017, Parma, Masterclass, Scuola Musicale Fontevivo: TTT-Trasposizione, trascrizione, traduzione
2017, Milano, Seminary, PACTA& DesignForLife, GMDP association: Architettura dei Pensieri Musicali


ZONE logo

Z O N E: an idea and an ensemble in continuous evolution that revolves around my music. I play LiveElectronics or MIDIElectricGuitar whose fingerboard, as a virtual ensemble, is crossed by the inhabitants of ZONE. These artists are among todays protagonists of contemporary thought. Skattered all over the globe, they flow through the ZONE: on stage we always are more people than audience can see. mp

  • Geoffrey Morris
  • Carin Levine & Jürgen Ruck
  • Annig Raimondi
  • DuoRecordronik
  • Bernardo Lanzetti
  • Maurizio BenOmar
  • Birgit Nolte
  • Elena Callegari
  • ElisionEnsemble
  • ENDE
  • Elena Càsoli
  • Emanuele Forni
  • Erik Bosgraaf
  • Faberlucis
  • Kiyonori Sokabe
  • Ivo Nilsson & Jörgen Pettersson
  • Manuel Zurria
  • Marcello Tarabbia
  • Marco Bortoli & Walter Goy
  • Maria Ronchini & Riccardo Balbinutti
  • mp & AchilleCompagnoni, WPrati, MBortoli, UJoss
  • mp & Ricarrdo Magherini Bernardo Lanzetti
  • mp & Salvatore Zito Max Bertolai
  • StockholmSaxophoneQuartet
  • mp & Timothy O'Dwyer
  • PACTAdeiTeatri
  • mp & Vladi Leoni
  • Pili Stanislas
  • wowslider
  • Thor-Vilhjalmsson
jquery slideshow by WOWSlider.com v7.3m



All Videos

Instrumental   –   Theatre

FOLIA with TipToeCompany   –   Aristofane in Blue   –   Theatre of Dawn

CasualitàUrbane/Flash&Bip   –   LUNAGRAMMI (Vln, Guit, Pf)

pactaSOUNDzone (or pactaSOUNDzone on fBook)


zone +
pacta =

where the music is the leading actor on stage
See pactaSOUNDzone on FBook & YouTube

excerpts from mp’s music for theatre – also at: Theatre & Video Playlist

 ARISTOFANE IN BLUE – audio excerpt 01 & 02:


Le Cinque Morti di Pitagora LE CINQUE MORTI DI PITAGORA 
for R.Mini, “L’irrazionale leggerezza dei numeri”_Danza Dei Cavalli:

 NON BREAKING SPACE – for L. Pirandello “Uno nessuno centomila” 

for L. Pirandello, “L’amica delle mogli”_Valzer della Gomma:

CHIODI_Caryl Churchill CHIODI – for C. Churchill, “Sette Bambine Ebree”:

Paradise-Lost_Milton LUOGHI e QUADRI – for J. Milton, “Paradise Lost”:

SuiteDellaTorre_Moravia SUITE DELLA TORRE
for A. Moravia,”Beatrice CenciLasciatemi:


for Le due Regine – Maria Stuarda by F. Schiller, A. Oliva, P. Bignamini 


scores & audiovideo


Scores: see Scores&Audiovideo‘s menu, listed as 1instrument2instruments and so on


For each score are available a preview and links to Audio or AV recording


You can purchase a score and get it as pdf document online


Orders of published scores will be forwarded to the Publishing House